FRP purification tank/septic tank  

FRP Storage Tank is a kind of glass fiber products, which is mainly based on glass fiber as a reinforcing agent, resin as a binder through the microcomputer control machine winding manufacturing of a new type of conforming material, FRP storage tank has anti-corrosion, high strength, light weight, long life, because it also has the characteristics of designability, flexibility, strong craftsmanship, can be designed according to different needs to apply products in different industries, such as chemical,environmental protection, food, pharmaceutical and other industries, is gradually replacing carbon steel, stainless steel most of the market areas. Features: pressure-resistant, corrosion-resistant, light structure, maintenance-free Service life of more than 50 years, no replacement or maintenance Environmentally safe Easy to handle Smooth inner surface - Reduces sludge formation, reduces cleaning costs, avoids leaks, saves material losses Flexible design options Easy to install…

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