Sheet Metal Processing and Polishing Process  

TONJA sheet metal processing and polishing process: Polishing: Polishing is the process of using polishing wheels or polishing agents to polish sheet metal parts, which can remove small protrusions on the surface, making the surface smooth or mirror like. The advantage of polishing is that it can improve the surface quality of sheet metal parts, enhance their corrosion resistance, wear resistance, fatigue resistance and other properties, and also improve their appearance and decorative effect. Wire drawing: Wire drawing is a process of polishing sheet metal parts in a certain direction using abrasive or sandpaper, which can form a certain texture on the surface, increasing its beauty and texture. The advantage of wire drawing is that it can change the light reflection of sheet metal parts, reduce their surface glossiness, reduce the impact of scratches and stains on their surfaces, and also improve their wear resistance and fingerprint resistance.


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